The Boondock Saints

AKA: The Boondock Saints - Giustizia FinaleThe Boondock Saints 1The Boondock Saints IEl Quinto InfiernoSvyaty'e Iz BundokaСвятые из трущобBoondock Saints 1 (Director's Cut)Los Elegidos (The Boondock Saints)另类圣徒The Boondock Saints | Unrated EditionThe Boondock Saints - URO Próximo a Abater
11DB Rating
1h 48m
United States of America, Canada
Rated 18
The Boondock Saints

Tired of the crime overrunning the streets of Boston, Irish Catholic twin brothers Conner and Murphy are inspired by their faith to cleanse their hometown of evil with their own brand of zealous vigilante justice. As they hunt down and kill one notorious gangster after another, they become controversial folk heroes in the community. But Paul Smecker, an eccentric FBI agent, is fast closing in on their blood-soaked trail.