The Evil Dead

AKA: DiabólicoSmrtelné zloUma Noite Alucinante: A Morte do DemônioMala muerteMuerte diabólicaEvil Dead: DiabólicoTanz der Teufel 1 - The Evil DeadKötü RuhL'opéra de la terreurEvil DeadA Noite dos Mortos-Vivos屍變Ma CâyЗловісні мерціLa Nuit des démonsLa Mort diabolique死霊のはらわたहैवान जाग उठा屍變死靈嚇破膽ผีอมตะ
11DB Rating
1h 25m
United States of America
The Evil Dead

Five vacationing college students unwittingly resurrect demonic spirits through the Book of the Dead. Now there is no escape. The guilty must be punished.