Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

AKA: 新闻主播Телеведущий: Легенда о Роне Бургунди新闻采编抢闸男主播名嘴传奇Der Anchorman - Die Legende von Ron BurgundyDer AnchormanAnchorman - Legenden om Ron BurgundyAl diablo con las noticias 1Anchorman The Legend of Ron BurgandyAnchorman - The Legend of Ron BurgandyAnchorman 1 - The Legend of Ron BurgandyAnchorman - The Legend of Ron Burgandy
11DB Rating
1h 35m
United States of America
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

It's the 1970s and San Diego anchorman Ron Burgundy is the top dog in local TV, but that's all about to change when ambitious reporter Veronica Corningstone arrives as a new employee at his station.