Jungle Beat

11DB Rating
Season 4 - Jun 01,2019
Jungle Beat

Each short episode is divided into two segments - The first part involves wordless slapstick comedy among four safari explorers which introduces an animal. The second part shows (another wordless) adventure of the animal previously seen.


This season should not be part of Jungle Beat. It is instead Jungle Beat Explorers, a spin-off of the original Jungle Beat. They have gone ahead and added official Seasons 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 to Jungle Beat, but this is not it. See h t t p : / / j u n g l e b e a t . t v and also h t t p s : / / t h e t v d b . c o m / s e r i e s / j u n g l e - b e a t / s e a s o n s / o f f i c i a l / 4

On Like a Roar!

Episode 1

Oops finds an Flower

Episode 2


Episode 3

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