Same Bed, Different Dreams
Same Bed, Different Dreams is a South Korean television entertainment program, distributed and syndicated by SBS every Monday at 11:10 pm. Before February 15, 2016 the program was aired every Saturday at 8:45 pm. It's a program where teens and their parents come and openly share their issues with the show’s panel, trying to resolve their problems with each other. Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 - You Are My Destiny is a South Korean television entertainment program, distributed and syndicated by SBS. It's the second season of the show Same Bed, Different Dreams which underwent a format change, now focusing on the life of celebrity couples.
다양한 분야의 커플들이 알콩달콩 살아가는 모습을 '남자'와 '여자' 입장에서 바라보고, 운명의 반쪽을 만난다는 것의 의미와 두 사람이 함께 사는 것의 가치를 살펴보는 프로그램
Episode 1
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 3