Conspiracy in the Court

AKA: 汉城别曲Han seong byeol gok한성별곡-正HanseongbyeolgokSeoul's Sad Song
11DB Rating
Season 1 - Jul 09,2007
1h 5m
South Korea
Historical drama (historical)
Conspiracy in the Court

Conspiracy in the Court, is a 2007 Korean historical drama broadcast on KBS2. The mystery thriller revolves around a murder case set in Hansung, the capital of Korea during the latter years of the Joseon dynasty when the nation was experiencing a rapid influx of western influences. Featuring a band of newcomers in the leading roles, Conspiracy in the Court entails a story of four young visionary idealists and King Jeongjo, Joseon's popular 22nd monarch who fought for commoners' rights and bureaucratic reformation. Despite low ratings averaging 6.00%, it was lauded for its high standard of content and art direction.


조선후기 청나라로부터 신문물과 실학사상이 활발히 유입되고 왜란과 호란 이후 대내외적인 변화에 능동적으로 대처하지 못한 400년 조선왕조의 기운이 쇠진해갈 무렵, 民을 앞세운 강력한 개혁정책으로 세종조 이후의 중흥..

Episode 1

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 3

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