Amazing Saturday

AKA: 놀라운토요일놀라운토요일 도레미 마켓Amazing Saturday
11DB Rating
Season 1 - Apr 07,2018
1h 15m
South Korea
Rated 15
Amazing Saturday

A group of hungry celebrities listen to poppin’ tunes, from recent hits to all-time-favorites, to correctly dictate a part of the lyrics. The songs may sound familiar, but the part they must dictate are unclear to the naked ear, as the lyrics are slurred, muffled by strong beats, etc. If they get the lyrics right, they get to share exquisite regional dishes. But if they get them wrong, a professional eater gobbles it up instead.


Amazing Saturday is here to give viewers another pleasant surprise on Saturday nights. From popular restaurants to places with traditions, all sorts of delicacies popular on social media are brought to Amazing Saturday. However, the members will only get to have it when they succeed in completing a mission. A mission is to correctly guess the lyrics of a song and if they succeed, they can enjoy good eats. If the members fail, all the food goes to Haetnim the Short Mouth, the eating show YouTuber. Will they be able to correctly guess the lyrics and enjoy tasty food or will Haetnim the Short Mouth have it all?

Market Stall Owner: Namgwangju Market, Gwangju

Market Stall Owner: Namgwangju Market, Gwangju

Episode 1

Market Stall Owner: Seomun Market, Daegu

Market Stall Owner: Seomun Market, Daegu

Episode 2

Viewing Flowers at Spring: Hanwoo Market, Hoengseong

Viewing Flowers at Spring: Hanwoo Market, Hoengseong

Episode 3

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