SKY Castle
The drama revolves around the lives of housewives living in a luxurious residential area called SKY Castle in suburban Seoul, where wealthy doctors and professors live. The wives are determined to make their husbands more successful and to raise their children like princes and princesses and to be top students.
Director Jo Hyun-tak
Writers Yoo Hyun-mi
Stars Lee Tae-ranKim Seo-hyungOh Na-raJung Joon-hoChoi Won-youngKim Byung-chulKim Dong-heeCho Byeong-kyuJo Jae-yunYum Jung-ahYoon Se-ahKim Bo-raKim Hye-yoonLee Ji-wonKang Chan-heeLee Hyun-jinPark You-naLee EugeneKwon Hwa-woonJung Ae-riCho Mi-nyeoSong Min-hyungKim Jung-nanYoo Sung-jooSong Geon-heeLee Yeon-suKim Joo-ryoung
For the families living at Sky Castle, an exclusive residential community that's home to Korea's elite, their children’s success means everything.
The Wives Celebrate
Episode 1
Young Jae’s Tablet
Episode 2
Winds Of Change In Sky Castle
Episode 3