The Escape of the Seven

AKA: The Escape of 7Seven Escape7人的逃脱七人的逃脱7人的复活七人的复活7 Escapeالهاربون السبعفرار 7 نفر7인의 탈출7 Ineui Talchul7인의탈출7인의 부활7인의부활Сбежавшая семёркаПобег семерыхهروب السبعة: حرب النجاة7人的逃脱7人的复活7人的逃脫7人的復活The Escape of Seven Men & WomenWar for Survival7 EscapeThe Escape of the Seven War for SurvivalThe Escape of the SevenThe Escape of the Seven Resurrection
11DB Rating
Season 2 - Mar 29,2024
South Korea
Rated 15
The Escape of the Seven

The mysterious disappearance of a girl brings together seven people from all different walks of life. They all have an intertwined connection to her disappearance in the most horrific, unfathomable, and despicable way. As money drives them to their greed, lies, and delirium, they face divine retribution as they struggle for their lives in a picturesque revenge. How far will they go to claim their innocence, and will anyone make it out alive?


Finishes with the ending that Min Do-hyeok is killed. However, he is not. He comes back to get his revenge on Matthew Lee, who is not Da-mi’s adoptive father, Lee Hwi-so as he claims. Min Do-hyeok is falsely accused of charges committed by Matthew Lee and tries to clear himself of such false charge.

Episode 1

Episode 1

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 2

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 3

Episode 3

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