A Certain Magical Index
Kamijo is a student in Academy City, where people use science to develop supernatural abilities. The guy’s got a lot of heart – luckily for a young nun named Index. She’s on the run from a sorcery society that covets the astonishing 103,000 volumes of magical knowledge stored in her memory. When Index stumbles into Kamijo’s life, she finds a faithful friend and protector, and while Kamijo’s easily the weakest kid in Academy City, he’s got something else going for him: the Imagine Breaker, an unexplainable power stored in his right hand that negates the powers of others. With scientists and sorcerers attacking from all sides, the Imagine Breaker will definitely come in handy – but it’s Kamijo’s loyalty to Index that will be his greatest weapon in the fight to keep her safe.
학원도시 각지에서 데모가 일어나고, 로마 정교파와 학원도시파의 싸움이 격화될 것이란 우려가 확산된다. 토우마는 츠치미카도와 사소한 문제로 실랑이하다가 방과 후에 벌을 받는다. 한편, 고양이 스핑크스를 찾으러 나간 인덱스는 총괄이사회의 오야후네 모나카를 만나는데...
Episode 1
The Right Seat of God
Episode 2
The Document of C.
Episode 3