Tomodachi Game
Yuuichi Katagiri believes that friends are more important than money, but he also knows the hardships of not having enough funds. He works hard to save up in order to go on the high school trip, because he has promised his four best friends that they will all go together. However, after the class' money is all collected, it's stolen! Suspicion falls on two of Yuuichi's friends, Shiho Sawaragi and Makoto Shibe. Soon afterwards, the five of them are kidnapped, and wake up in a strange room with a character from a short-lived anime. Apparently, one of them has entered them into a "friendship game" in order to take care of their massive debt. But who was it, and why did they have such a debt? Could they have stolen the money from class to pay for entry into the game? Yuuichi and his best friends will have to succeed in psychological games that will test or destroy their faith in one another.
무엇보다 친구를 소중히 여기는 고등학생 ‘카타기리 유이치’는 사이 좋은 친구 ‘사와라기 시호’, ‘미카사 텐지’, ‘시베 마코토’, ‘코코로기 유토리’와 충실한 나날을 보냈다. 그러나 어떤 사건을 계기로 갑자기 5명은 엄청난 빚 갚기 게임에 빠져든다. 「친구를 의심하지 않을 것」. 그것이 유일하게 친구 게임을 클리어할 방법이다. 끈끈한 우정으로 맺어진 그들에게 있어서, 그것은 너무나 간단한 게임이 었을 텐데...... 소중한 친구일까? 돈일까? 인간의 본성이 드러나는 극한의 심리 게임 개막.
Huh? Yuichi-kun Suspects His Friends?
Episode 1
You Have a Lot to Say to Me, Don't You?
Episode 2
There's No Way I'd Believe That
Episode 3